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A busy morning of "family stuff" errands and chores allowed me the reward of an afternoon at Iona Beach park in Richmond, as the skies cleared and some warm sunshine broke out. The inner lagoon nearest the treatment plant was literally covered around the edges with Northern Pintails, Scaups, Ring Necked ducks, Green Winged teals, a few Mallards and Widgeons. The outer ponds had a small group of Ring Necked Ducks, Lesser Scaups, American Coots and a pair of Buffleheads. Saw a Northern Harrier patrolling the fields and marshes, about 20 Great Blue Herons roosted in the marshes to the north of the main boardwalk, and a distant Bald Eagle watching the ducks. Saw a Crow and a Merlin doing a chase game across the pond over in the cottonwood trees.

But this post is to add the Ring Necked duck to this years' Challenge:
ImageRing Necked Duck by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Wow! You guys are knocking it out of the park! Sorry I took so long to update the list -- it's been a fast start to my year. We are currently at 81 birds. Cool ... not even out of February yet. haha. I took a stroll today on Knox Mountain in Kelowna. It always delivers ... Here's a White-breasted Nuthatch (glad to have it early this year!)

I also saw this cute Mountain Chickadee ...

Finally, in an area my wife always seems to find woodpeckers, we saw about four of them pecking away. Unless I'm mistaken (which has happened in the past!), here are a male and female set of Hairy Woodpeckers.
The male ...

The female ... kind of hidden ...

Great work and keep them coming! That long-tailed Duck picture is beautiful.
Zach - do you have a site for your astronomy photos? I'm interested ... trying to photograph the Owl Nebula lately ...
In spite of the weather reports indicating cloudy all day today, I saw a clear east sky at dawn, ooh, better get out for a Dawn Patrol on the West Dyke in Richmond - good light, no wind, very pleasant. A few Northern Harriers popping up now and then, nothing too close, a few Bald Eagles lined up along the shoreline keeping watch over their flocks, and the Red Winged Blackbirds were all starting their spring songs. A small flock of American Goldfinches paid a visit to forage in the cattails and marsh along the path, so we can add the American Goldfinch to the Challenge list:

ImageAmerican Goldfinch by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Spring is in the air - at least today it is. I knew I had to go somewhere so I checked out my favourite birding site, Brydon Lagoon. I was not disappointed - nice weather, nice people and even all the dogs were well behaved and on leash!
I got 2 more for the list at Brydon -

Beautiful Wood Ducks and both in the same frame!
ImageWood Duck (Male & Female) by Jewill on Flickr

A female Ruddy Duck, when she decided to wake up which was only for a few minutes; otherwise she spent the entire time I was there sleeping with her head tucked under her wing.
ImageRuddy Duck (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

And then back home, taken from the patio, another addition to the list, a Mourning Dove.
ImageMourning Dove by Jewill on Flickr

I'm going to add this photo of a Dark-eyed Junco even though we already have one - a Male Oregon; this one is a Female Slate-coloured (I haven't seen this sub-species in a few years so it was nice that she paid a visit).
ImageDark-eyed Junco (Slate-coloured - Female) by Jewill on Flickr

I see you just updated the list James (sorry I missed getting in on it) - we are now at 84 birds I think.
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Mystery Visitor at night

https://ebird.org/checklist/S209684709 a Muscovy […]