- Nov 13 1:08 pm
Hi Bill,
I confirmed it with the bird care staff at OWL. This bird's beak is too long for him to eat anything so if something isn't done, i.e. he gets captured and taken to a wildlife rehabber, he will die a slow, painful death due to starvation. It could be that his beak simply needs a trim - a simple procedure; or he could be suffering from a parasitic disease (the name of which escapes me) that makes the beak grow out of control. In any case he needs help from a professional bird rehabber.
If you see him again, or even if you don't, it may be worth reporting. I believe you are on the island (?) so there are 3 rehabbers you could contact:
Mountainaire Avian Rescue in Merville at 250-337-2021
Wild ARC in Victoria at 1-855-622-7722
North Island Wildlife Recovery in Errington at 250-248-8534
Please do not attempt to capture him yourself; that would be too dangerous. If you could report it to whichever of the above rehabbers is closest at least they would be aware of the situation and could be on the lookout for him. Hopefully the bird can get some help.