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Roses are red, birds are blue... Valentine's Poem Fun

Posted: Feb 09 8:46 pm
by BirdingBC
Found this idea on the Internet. The idea is to use the old "Roses are Red" poem and rhyme it with a Bird Name.

Here's a couple I came up with:

Roses are red
Wish you could see me
Up in the tree
Western Wood Pewee


"Roses are red"
That's what I heard.
Down by the pond,
Red-Winged Blackbird


Good bird poem making!

Re: Roses are red, birds are blue... Valentine's Poem Fun

Posted: Feb 11 5:12 pm
by BirdingBC
Roses are red
Across from the swing
Birders gather round
to see a Redwing

Re: Roses are red, birds are blue... Valentine's Poem Fun

Posted: Feb 12 7:09 pm
by phainopepla6
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love birds,
and so do you.