This area is for general discussion on Birds and Birding.
I couldn’t believe what I saw at Brydon Lagoon this morning. I was across the pond from where the Mallards hang out waiting for people to feed them. When I heard the ducks suddenly flush off the pond from their hang out area I turned around to see why . . . I saw a guy in camo gear put down a cross bow and come down the little steps to the side of the water, all the ducks were gone. Now I wish I had taken a photo of him but I was afraid of what his reaction might be if he saw me taking his photo. Then he picked up a stick and was reaching out into the water with it. I turned and started walking back around the pond thinking I might have a chance to take a photo of him without it being obvious. Though I was only behind the bushes for a minute when I came around he was gone and then I saw there was a dead duck floating in the water (must have been what he was trying to reach with the branch). I couldn’t believe someone would actually be at Brydon Lagoon shooting with a crossbow at the ducks that gather by the benches where people bring their little kids to feed them! I left immediately and then called the police who went out to look around for him. Anyway if you should see a guy with a crossbow at Brydon Lagoon I would recommended not to engage him, just call 911, the police did respond quickly though unsuccessfully I believe.
2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

GMcD: what a great find...i.e. the Clay Colored S[…]