This forum is for asking questions and providing answers on bird identification. New and visiting birders are encouraged to ask and participate.
By Trebeck
Hi All,

First time poster and glad to be accepted. I live close to Butter Tubs Marsh in Nanaimo so I am very lucky. I would not call myself a birder but I do love them and I use the Merlin app to ID. Except in this case, the app fails me.
One night the doggo was staring out the patio doors and when I look out I saw this strange visitor wandering around the back yard. He was larger than a Mallard, has spots on his chest and walked like a pigeon where the head moves first. I got on my Wyze camera app and took some video but I don't think I can upload mp4s so I uploaded to youtube:

Any ideas of what this little guy is?


We spooked a flock of approximately. eight Chukars[…]