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Here we are at 279 birds! Wow ... Just as a side note, here are the birds we have listed (from KenW) but the photos don't show:
Falcon, Gyrfalcon
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
Owl, Northern Pygmy
Ptarmigan, White-tailed
Sparrow, Swamp
Warbler, Palm
Woodpecker, Acorn
(If anyone can fix this issue, great ... or add your 2021 photo of a bird as replacement!)

I'm not showing the ones from DENNISM39's missing post ... hopefully we can get that one fixed.
Here is the list of birds we've seen in previous years, but are still missing this year: 35
Curlew, Long-billed
Duck, Tufted
Flycatcher, Ash-throated
Flycatcher, Least
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Godwit, Bar-tailed
Godwit, Hudsonian
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Slaty-backed
Hawk, Northern Goshawk
Hummingbird, Black-chinned
Ibis, White-faced
Kingbird, Tropical
Lark, Horned
Loon, Red-throated
Mockingbird, Northern
Owl, Northern Hawk Owl
Owl, Northern Saw-whet
Partridge, Gray
Redstart, American
Sandpiper, Buff-breasted
Sandpiper, Curlew
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed
Sapsucker, Red-naped
Sparrow, Clay-colored
Sparrow, Harris's
Sparrow, Leconte's
Swallow, Bank
Swift, White-throated
Tattler, Wandering
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Common
Thrush, Dusky
Warbler, Cape May
Warbler, Tennessee

Finally, here's the list of all the birds we have seen so far: 279:
Auklet, Rhinoceros
Avocet, American
Bittern, American
Blackbird, Brewer's
Blackbird, Red-winged
Blackbird, Rusty
Blackbird, Yellow-headed
Bluebird, Mountain
Bluebird, Western
Brant, Black
Bunting, Lazuli
Bunting, Snow
Catbird, Gray
Chat, Yellow-breasted
Chickadee, Black-capped
Chickadee, Boreal
Chickadee, Chestnut-backed
Chickadee, Mountain
Coot, American
Cormorant, Brandt's
Cormorant, Double-crested
Cormorant, Pelagic
Cowbird, Brown-headed
Crane, Sandhill
Creeper, Brown
Crossbill, Red
Crossbill, White-winged
Crow, American
Crow, Northwestern
Dipper, American
Dove, Eurasian-Collared
Dove, Mourning
Dowitcher, Long-billed
Dowitcher, Short-billed
Duck, Bufflehead
Duck, Harlequin
Duck, Long-tailed
Duck, Mandarin
Duck, Ring-necked
Duck, Ruddy
Duck, Wood
Eagle, Bald
Eagle, Golden
Egret, Cattle
Egret, Great
Falcon, Merlin
Falcon, Peregrine
Falcon, Prairie
Finch, Cassin's
Finch, House
Finch, Purple
Flicker, Northern
Flycatcher, Dusky
Flycatcher, Hammond's
Flycatcher, Olive-sided
Flycatcher, Pacific-Slope
Flycatcher, Willow
Godwit, Marbled
Goldeneye, Barrow's
Goldeneye, Common
Golden-plover, American
Golden-plover, Pacific
Goldfinch, American
Goldfinch, Lesser
Goose, Brandt
Goose, Cackling
Goose, Canada
Goose, Greater White-fronted
Goose, Snow
Goose, Swan
Grackle, Great-tailed
Grebe, Eared
Grebe, Horned
Grebe, Pied-billed
Grebe, Red-necked
Grebe, Western
Grosbeak, Black-headed
Grosbeak, Evening
Grosbeak, Pine
Grouse, Dusky
Grouse, Ruffed
Grouse, Sooty
Grouse, Spruce
Guillemot, Pigeon
Gull, Bonaparte's
Gull, California
Gull, Glaucous
Gull, Glaucous-winged
Gull, Herring
Gull, Iceland (Thayer's)
Gull, Mew
Gull, Olympic
Gull, Ring-billed
Gull, Western
Harrier, Northern
Hawk, Cooper's
Hawk, Red-tailed
Hawk, Rough-legged
Hawk, Swainson's
Hawk: Sharp-shinned
Heron, Great Blue
Heron, Green
Hummingbird, Anna's
Hummingbird, Calliope
Hummingbird, Rufous
Jaeger, Parasitic
Jaeger, Pomeranian
Jay, Blue
Jay, California Scrub
Jay, Canada
Jay, Steller's
Junco, Dark-eyed
Kestrel, American
Kingbird, Eastern
Kingbird, Western
Kingfisher, Belted
Kinglet, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned
Knot, Red
Longspur, Lapland
Loon, Common
Loon, Pacific
Loon, Yellow-billed
Magpie, Black-billed
Martin, Purple
Meadowlark, Western
Merganser, Common
Merganser, Hooded
Merganser, Red-breasted
Murre, Common
Murrelet, Ancient
Murrelet, Marbled
Night Heron, Black-crowned
Nighthawk, Common
Nutcracker, Clark's
Nuthatch, Pygmy
Nuthatch, Red-breasted
Nuthatch, White-breasted
Oriole, Bullock's
Osprey, Northern
Owl, Barn
Owl, Barred
Owl, Great Horned
Owl, Long-eared
Owl, Short-eared
Oystercatcher, Black
Pelican, American White
Pelican, Brown
Phalarope, Red-necked
Phalarope, Wilson's
Pheasant, Ring-necked
Phoebe, Black
Phoebe, Eastern
Phoebe, Says
Pigeon, Band-tailed
Pigeon, Rock
Pintail, Northern
Pipit, American
Plover, Black-bellied
Plover, Semi-palmated
Quail, California
Rail, Virginia
Raven, Common
Red Knot
Robin, American
Sandpiper, Baird's
Sandpiper, Least
Sandpiper, Pectoral
Sandpiper, Semipalmated
Sandpiper, Solitary
Sandpiper, Spotted
Sandpiper, Stilt
Sandpiper, Western
Sandpiper, Wood
Sapsucker, Red-breasted
Sapsucker, Williamson's
Scaup, Greater
Scaup, Lesser
Scoter, Black
Scoter, Surf
Scoter, White-winged
Shearwater, Short-tailed
Shoveler, Northern
Shrike, Northern
Siskin, Pine
Snipe, Wilson's
Solitaire, Townsend's
Sparrow, American Tree
Sparrow, Brewer's
Sparrow, Chipping
Sparrow, Fox
Sparrow, Golden-crowned
Sparrow, House
Sparrow, Lark
Sparrow, Lincoln's
Sparrow, Savannah
Sparrow, Song
Sparrow, Vesper
Sparrow, White-crowned
Sparrow, White-throated
Stilt, Black-necked
Swallow, Barn
Swallow, Northern Rough-winged
Swallow, Tree
Swallow, Violet-green
Swallows, Cliff
Swan, Black
Swan, Mute
Swan, Trumpeter
Swan, Tundra
Swift, Black
Swift, Vaux's
Tanager, Western
Teal, Blue-winged
Teal, Cinnamon
Teal, Common
Teal, Green-winged
Tern, Caspian
Thrasher, Sage
Thrush, Hermit
Thrush, Swainson's
Thrush, Varied
Towhee, Spotted
Turkey, Wild
Turnstone, Black
Turnstone, Ruddy
Vireo, Cassin's
Vireo, Hutton's
Vireo, Red-eyed
Vireo, Warbling
Vulture, Turkey
Warbler, Black-throated Gray
Warbler, MacGillivray’s
Warbler, Nashville
Warbler, Orange-crowned
Warbler, Townsend's
Warbler, Wilson's
Warbler, Yellow
Warbler, Yellow-rumped
Waterthrush, Northern
Waxwing, Bohemian
Waxwing, Cedar
Wigeon, American
Wigeon, Eurasian
Woodpecker, American Three-toed
Woodpecker, Downy
Woodpecker, Hairy
Woodpecker, Lewis
Woodpecker, Pileated
Wood-Pewee, Western
Wren, Bewick's
Wren, Canyon
Wren, House
Wren, Marsh
Wren, Pacific
Wren, Rock
Yellowlegs, Greater
Yellowlegs, Lesser
Yellowthroat, Common
We are currently at 270 birds for the year ... here's the updated list of missing birds (either pictures aren't showing or we haven't seen/added them yet). There are probably birds NOT on this list that we can add as well.

--------------- This is the list of birds we had seen in 2019/20/21 -------------------------
Curlew, Long-billed
Duck, Tufted
Falcon, Gyrfalcon
Flycatcher, Ash-throated
Flycatcher, Least
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Godwit, Bar-tailed
Godwit, Hudsonian
Guillemot, Pigeon
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Mew
Gull, Olympic
Gull, Slaty-backed
Hawk, Northern Goshawk
Hummingbird, Black-chinned
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
Ibis, White-faced
Kingbird, Tropical
Lark, Horned
Loon, Red-throated
Murre, Common
Murrelet, Ancient
Murrelet, Marbled
Owl, Northern Hawk Owl
Owl, Northern Pygmy
Owl, Northern Saw-whet
Partridge, Gray
Ptarmigan, White-tailed
Rail, Virginia
Redstart, American
Sandpiper, Buff-breasted
Sandpiper, Curlew
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed
Sapsucker, Red-naped
Sparrow, Clay-colored
Sparrow, Harris's
Sparrow, Leconte's
Sparrow, Swamp
Swallow, Bank
Swift, White-throated
Tattler, Wandering
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Common
Thrush, Dusky
Warbler, Cape May
Warbler, Palm
Warbler, Tennessee
Woodpecker, Acorn
Wren, Marsh
We are currently at 278 birds for the year ... Way to go everyone!
Here's the updated list of missing birds
--------------- This is the list of birds we had seen in 2019/20 -------------------------
Curlew, Long-billed
Duck, Tufted
Flycatcher, Ash-throated
Flycatcher, Least
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Godwit, Bar-tailed
Godwit, Hudsonian
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Slaty-backed
Hawk, Northern Goshawk
Hummingbird, Black-chinned
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
Ibis, White-faced
Kingbird, Tropical
Lark, Horned
Loon, Red-throated
Murre, Common
Murrelet, Ancient
Murrelet, Marbled
Owl, Northern Hawk Owl
Owl, Northern Pygmy
Partridge, Gray
Ptarmigan, White-tailed
Redstart, American
Sandpiper, Buff-breasted
Sandpiper, Curlew
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed
Sparrow, Clay-colored
Sparrow, Harris's
Sparrow, Leconte's
Sparrow, Swamp
Swallow, Bank
Swift, White-throated
Tattler, Wandering
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Common
Thrush, Dusky
Warbler, Cape May
Warbler, Palm
Warbler, Tennessee

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