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Observatory Hill access?

Posted: Feb 01 5:24 pm
by Birder Girl
Hi all. I am wondering what the access is for Observatory Hill? I've only been for the star parties in the summer, and that was a few years ago. Is the gate typically open "normal government work hours"? Is it open on the weekend or later in the day? Do people typically just park at the bottom and walk to the top? Along the road or is there a trail(s)?



Re: Observatory Hill access?

Posted: Feb 01 6:49 pm
by courtjcam
The gate seems to be open weekdays (work days) - I'm not sure of the hours. If open, you can drive to the top and park up there. If it's closed, you can still park at the bottom and walk up the road. There are also a couple trails leading up. One is near the gate, another is a little ways down the road.
I quite enjoy birding up there!

Re: Observatory Hill access?

Posted: Feb 02 12:00 pm
by Birder Girl
Thank you. So, I'm assuming there is a person gate at the bottom that doesn't get locked? I don't want to get locked in there :)


Re: Observatory Hill access?

Posted: Feb 02 1:52 pm
by courtjcam
I think people are just able to go around the side of the gate, so no need to worry about getting trapped!