This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By revs
In the pursuit of the perfect shot we sometimes end up with pics that miss the mark or capture our subjects in less than "perfect" light.
If we were shooting celebrities and not birds they might demand re-shoots to capture their best sides.
Does anyone have any shots like that they feel like sharing? :P
Ha...what a great idea! I actually really like your yawning Heron Paul and I have taken many photos very similar to your Marsh Wren zwest. I end up deleting most of the ones that would qualify for this category, otherwise my hard drive would be filled with all of my bloopers.
I did find these 2 though:
This is one of my better shots of a wild Barn Owl. I waited as long as I could but it absolutely would not turn around for a good photo.
Barn Owl by Jewill, on Flickr

And this one; the RTH was sitting nice and pretty, facing me, although quite high up in the tree. Just as I took the shot he turned around and let me know what he really thought of me!
Red-tailed Hawk by Jewill, on Flickr

I'm looking forward to seeing others miss-takes; we've all been there.
Robert wrote:
zwest wrote:This is my best shot so far of a Marsh Wren.

That looks like my best photo as well. Nemesis!
I feel for you, they are a tricky bird to get. A fairly reliable location is at Serpentine Fen in Surrey; use the parking lot on King George Blv (not the secluded lot at the end of 44th - I’ve had my car broken into there); walk in about 1/2 km, at the junction take the path on the left and cross the little foot bridge. You should find lots of them flitting in and around the tall grass.
Reifel, along the outer dyke trail, is another good place, although for me, not as reliable.
Good luck!
By revs
zwest wrote:
revs wrote:Image

one from this morning :)
Ha, I had a few like that too.

I think I was standing next to you today but didn't piece it together until someone said "See ya, Paul."

That was a pretty good session, i didn't really know who everybody was there either, good to almost meet you!
Oh man, you guys found zombie owl :lol:.
Still better than any Pygmy I’ve managed to photograph. The only pics I have are of one immediately after being released (after rehabbing at OWL due to window strike) so that’s not the same as finding a truly wild bird.
Congrats to you both.

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